English Training Workshops

Since 2006 ice regularly offers English Training Workshops on Academic Writing and Effecitve Presentations to young educational researchers.

The Workshops are intended to support young researchers in their efforts to publish in international journals, which aims at enhancing the impact of young German researchers on an international scale. Publishing in international journals will also help to communicate German educational research results abroad and thereby preparing the ground for international cooperation and exchange.

Workshop und Module

Ice regularly offers workshops on: Academic Writing, Academic Correspondence, Effective Presentations und Conversational Skills for Conference goers.

Native speakers with many years of teaching experience ascertain a high standard of quality for the courses mainly held in Frankfurt/Main. We also assist in developing training concepts and we can recommend professional tutors.

Modul "Academic Writing"

This workshop combines theory with analysis of your own personal pieces of writing to teach you how to write an effective academic text.  It will show you how to create a clear structure for your text, with a strong opening, effective conclusion and a well organized body of paragraphs.  It will provide you with vocabulary and style tips to help you deliver your message clearly and concisely and make your ideas flow smoothly.

Content of workshop

  • Defining academic writing (purpose/audience/content/forms)
  • Structure (preliminaries/main text/end matter)
  • Abstracts
  • Content of each section
  • Language use in each section
  • Topic sentences and linking vocabulary to show cohesion
  • Editing for clear line of argument and development of ideas
  • Language Use
  • Getting published

First day
: 9:00 - 17:00 - academic writing
Second day: 9:00 - 12:00 - academic writing und 13:00 - 17:00 one-on-one coaching
Third day : 9:00 - 12:00 - one-on-one coaching

Special requirements

All participants are required to submit an abstract no longer than one page 14 days before the module and are asked to bring with them to the module, if possible, a longer text that they have written. 

This is a two-and-a-half-day workshop. Max. number of participants: 12

Modul "Academic Correspondence"

This course will teach you how to write a good letter in English for various occasions. It will help you to find the right words from "selling" your article to publishers to writing application letters for either a grant for your new project or a new job.

We recommend to take this course before or after the more extensive Academic Writing Course.

Content of workshop

  • Structure and content of letters and emails
  • Standard phrases for letters and emails
  • Level of formality
  • Diplomacy
  • Cover letters to publishers
  • Response to reviewers
  • Peer review
  • Application letter for a grant
  • Application letter for a job

This is a half-day course - preferably to be attended after Academic Writing! Max. number of participants: 12

Modul "Effective Presentations"

This highly interactive and practical workshop will show you how to create a well structured presentation with a strong opening and memorable ending, and will provide you with the vocabulary necessary to lead the audience step by step through the different parts of your talk.  It will teach you how to use your voice effectively to get and keep the attention of the audience and deliver your message clearly, and will give you tips on how to make and present supportive visuals.  Furthermore, it will help you learn how to use eye contact and body language strategically, as well as ways to handle questions, deal with interruptions and generate conversation at the end of your presentation.

Content of workshop

  • Organization and content of a presentation
  • Structure (effective openings, signposting, memorable endings)
  • Visuals  (introducing and commenting on visuals, creating effective slides)
  • Voice (stress, pausing, pacing, intonation)
  • Rhetoric (focusing, repeating, questioning, creating rapport)
  • Body language and eye contact
  • Handling questions
  • Dealing with interruptions and distractions
  • Generating conversation at the end of a presentation
  • Survival tactics
  • Designing a poster
  • Making contact with passers-by
  • Gaining and keeping interest of listeners
  • Engaging listeners
  • Encouraging future contact with listeners

Special requirements 

All participants are asked to bring to the workshop a presentation (8 minutes long) they have already given or are going to give in paper format and any other format (e.g., PowerPoint) available.

This is a two-and-a-half-day workshop. Max. number of participants: 10

Modul "Conversational Skills for Conference goers"

This offer is specifically provided for researchers who regularly participate in international meetings and conferences. The workshop will teach you how to convincingly communicate in a foreign language.

Content of workshop

  • Politeness
  • Notion of ‘face’
  • Measuring social distance
  • Politeness strategies and diplomacy  
  • Political correctness
  • Successful small talk              
  • Turn-taking
  • Active listening
  • Handling difficult situations  
  • Typical conversation situations at conferences

This is a one-day workshop. Max. number of participants: 16